Reviews, Feedback + Comments
“You have been an incredible partner and the most talented communications and strategy leader that I have ever worked with….”
— Scott Aronson, CEO of healthcare security and fire protection consulting services firm, via LinkedIn, on 1/15/21.
“This is a solid first draft. I’m really impressed with how quickly you can pull together a thoughtful piece. I only made a few suggestions…”
— Director of Marketing at one of the largest IT consulting firms and prime vendors providing services to the
U.S. government’s leading defense, intelligence and homeland security agencies, via email.
“You need to read this: They just love you!! You’re doing a terrific job. BTW, I just recommended you (again) to [redacted]. She will most likely be contacting you, if she hasn’t already about another project.”
— Head of Marketing and PR at one of the largest global consulting companies,
in reference to an email sent by a third party
“…I have to tell you this is the best script…on the first draft…that I have seen in my entire career…and I’ve seen quite a few, that’s for sure. I mean, when you said you’d have this to me by Thursday, I was pretty concerned…because most of the time this process takes two months! I mean…6 days rather than 60 days?”
— Head marketing manager for a market-leading IT consulting
services provider. Telephone call.
“We’re looking for someone to come in-house. Someone like you who gets it done without a lot of fuss...”
— Former Time Magazine editor and senior messaging advisor at a large Fortune 500 company
looking to hire an in-house writer supporting the executive leadership team. Telephone call.
“Good. I’m glad to hear you’re willing to take this on. We’ve got some challenging things to write in the coming weeks, and I know you’re good at working with material that is still in people’s heads…”
— Head of change management strategist, Fortune 500 services firm
“Expert work. And quickly done. Have a speech-writing assignment for the CEO for you if you’re interested. Give me a call…”
— The VP of Financial and Strategic Communications at a Fortune 500 health sector company, via email.
“Hey, I’m just now recommending you to someone else in the firm. You are probably too busy…but you’re the best writer I know! Will copy on the email and you can take it from there.”
— The Director of Marketing at a leading professional services firm, responsible for all marketing activities supporting services
associated with security and privacy, IT risk management, and data management. Via email.
“Outstanding work. Who wrote this?” …”
— The executive in charge of risk and quality at a leading IT risk management firm, via email.
“I have copied Stephen Grant, who helped shape this document. He is very good at taking raw thoughts and making them magical.”
— Executive in charge of firm strategy at a large international business services company, via email.
“This is the best-written business document I’ve ever read.”
— The CEO of a multi-billion-dollar services firm, as conveyed in person to the executive in charge of the firm’s new
five-year strategy. Relayed later in the day on a telephone call.
“Stephen – I am on the advisory board of [company name redacted]. They have produced a number of excellent white papers and are putting out a call for professional writers who can support future development of such materials. You [sic] done some excellent work for me personally and I was wondering if you might be interested in taking on such an assignment? If you are, I would be happy to submit your name, credentials and contact details…” ”
— A well-known Fortune 500 CIO, via email.
“This is fantastic! It is the best manifesto I have read in my nearly 20 years with [company name redacted]!!! Like a good novel, I kept re-reading passage and statements. Best of all, I feel as though I wrote it.”
— Business unit leader of a multi-billion services firm to an executive colleague, via forwarded email.
“This is one of the best written documents I have seen in a while. It is clear, full of energy, ambition – and it makes a compelling case…{five lines on suggested changes redacted}…Please extend kudos to the writer who uses colorful and compelling language.”
— Senior change management executive at a multi-billion dollar services firm responding to a request to review an internal strategy document
“I read through the white paper once. I am very enthusiastic about where you are with this document. I find your style engaging and motivating. It was great to meet the man behind the powerful messages! We highly appreciate your insights.”
— Leader of business unit focused on HR and change-related services. Leading global services provider. Via email.
“As for the white paper, great job on this first draft. I have to say I’m quite impressed with your ability to put together such a comprehensive piece on the basis of one 45-minute conversation – especially given your lack of any kind of background in this area.”
— U.S. leader of one of the largest global providers of internal audit services
“Discovering Stephen is the key to much of the success our team has had… While we had a vision and strategy on how we would create a firm recognized for excellence in security advisory and management services, we lacked the ability to clearly define our value to clients. He helped define our identity as a firm and articulate why we were different. He gave us the communication edge we needed to be recognized for excellence.”
— Arnette Heintze, CEO and Founder, Hillard Heintze.